Work Health and Safety
WHS Management System
Our team will work with you to develop a complete Safety Management System which is suitable for your business including development of an appropriate WHS Policy and Procedures relevant to your particular work practices. We specialise in a plain English approach that will minimise the burden of paperwork while ensuring compliance with legislative obligations. Procedures may include, but are not limited to:
- Safety in Design
- Risk Management
- Training and Competency
- Contractor Management
- WHS Consultation and Communication
- Fitness for Work, Including Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Manual Handling
- Falls and Falling Object Prevention
- Mobile Plant and Equipment Management
- Chain of Responsibility
- Traffic Management Plans
- Machine Guarding Assessments and Audits
- Hazardous Chemicals Management
- Fire Safety
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Electrical Safety
- Demolition
- Excavation
- Formwork
Site Safety and Project Management Planning
Our team provides easy to follow planning documentation and checklists for site set up and ongoing management of construction projects developed through our extensive experience in servicing builders from Tier 1 to Tier 3. We develop planning and safety documents to suit your business needs which are designed to comply with State and Federal safety requirements.
Contractor Management
Effective contractor management is essential in delivering projects and services on time and on budget. We can assist in the development of an efficient management process for the selection, onboarding, monitoring and review of contractors to ensure you achieve the best performance possible while mitigating business exposure.
Safety Work Method Statements
Working with your staff, we will develop SWMS that are simple, effective and compliant with relevant legislation including specific High-Risk tasks such as:
- Working at heights
- Confined Spaces
- Asbestos
- Silica
- Electrical
- Tilt up and precast concrete
- Mobile plant
- Demolition
Training and Competency
We specialise in developing and delivering training modules for your business that convey safety information that is relevant, up to date and designed to keep your people safe in the workplace. Our modules can be customised to operational levels, keeping the information appropriate and concise with sections suitable for office staff, site staff and senior management. It is a WHS requirement that all senior managers be trained in due diligence.
- General Induction Training
- Site Specific Safety Induction Training for Workers and Subcontractors.
- HIRAC and Due Diligence Training
- Monthly Legislation Reviews and Change Implication Analysis
- Employee and Contractor Safety Performance Reviews
Occupational Hygiene
Working with our industry partners, we provide services that specialise in assessment and monitoring of physical and biological onsite hazards.
- Occupational Hygiene Assessments
- Occupational Hygiene Plans
- Health Monitoring for Hearing and Spirometry
WHS Audits
Our professional and accredited auditors can provide independent third-party audits for your business systems to ensure they meet statutory and ISO requirements, including:
- WHS Compliance; provide a gap analysis against State or Federal Government requirements and recommend solutions for compliance to required level.
- High Risk Audits; provide a systematic review of your business risk profile and recommend solutions for legislative compliance, focusing on the highest level of risk exposure and working down.
- WHS Management System Audits; provide an evaluation of your compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 45001 and the current AS/NZS 4801.
- WHS Workplace Inspections and Risk Assessments; provide independent and professional assessment of your workplace to evaluate compliance with your statutory obligations and identify areas of risk exposure.
WHS Systems Accreditation
Our team can assist your business in meeting the requirements of Australian and International Standards and Government WHS accreditation requirements for:
- AS/NZS ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems and the changeover from AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management System requirements.
- Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (FSC); The Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme.
- NSW Government OHS Management System Guidelines (OHSMS/EMS Accreditation).
- National Self-Insurer OHS Audit Tool (NAT).
Workplace Incident Investigations
With extensive experience in the investigation of workplace safety and environmental incidents including near miss events, we focus on providing solutions which address root cause so that the risk of an incident recurring can be mitigated as far as reasonably practical.
By partnering with clients and using Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) investigative processes, we develop corrective actions that are practical and effective. We provide assistance in incident reporting and monitoring to ensure corrective actions are implemented. We can also update and improve processes and procedures to reflect any recommended changes.
Where required, investigations can be conducted under legal professional privilege and formal legal reports, suitable for litigation purposes, provided.
Consulting and Coaching Services
A Risk and Safety Solutions Consultant is available to attend your workplace to discuss your safety requirements and identify potential areas of exposure in your current safety practices. We apply specialist knowledge to recommend solutions that will mitigate your risk and achieve legislative compliance. We provide coaching and support to ensure the solutions we provide are tailored your business requirements and can help you with:
- Risk Assessment Training including HIRAC Methodology
- WHS Audits and Risk Assessments
- Induction and Safety Training
- Safe Work Method Statements for High Risk tasks
- High Risk and Construction Site Audits
- Ergonomic Assessments and Manual Handling Training